Grab The Best PVC Conduit Pipes & PVC Conduit Fittings

W ith billions of electrical items plugged in every day, you wouldn't need Superman's X-Ray vision to observe AKG Group India electrical items functioning behind the walls or embedded in the concrete foundations of most of the houses and businesses you visit or buried along the highways you commute on. AKG Group India offers the established track record for quality and service required to fulfill all of your PVC conduit fittings demand. Over 60 years of proven success in manufacturing made in India PVC conduit pipes. AKG Group India has a full array of rigid PVC conduit pipes as well as PVC conduit fittings. A.K.G. Group India has been proved robust and reliable for years of maintenance-free service in the underground, encased, and exposed applications in line with the National Electrical Code. Features of PVC Conduit Pipes Our PVC conduit pipes have the following features:- ● Commercial, industrial, and utility appl...